Monday, October 28, 2013

Oracle forms converter to Apex

Oracle Application Express Oracle Forms Conversion Project 

Oracle Application Express, release 3.2 and above, enables you to load your Oracle Forms source into an Oracle Application Express project and generate an initial APEX application. The conversion automatically converts most user interface components but does not convert business logic implemented within triggers, program units, or PL/SQL libraries. Loading Oracle Forms definitions into the Oracle Application Express project provides analysis and tracking of the conversion project. Once the initial design has been generated, the rapid application development capabilities inherent within Oracle Application Express can be utilized to enhance and expand the generated application. Post-generation the business logic within Oracle Forms can be re-implemented and new screens which take advantage of Web 2.0 capabilities such as interactive reports and flash charts can be added using the wizards built into the Oracle Application Express builder. 

Oracle Application Express for Oracle Forms Developers

Oracle Forms
Application Express
4GL Declarative
Oracle Forms renders applications using metadata stored in an .fmx file. Application Express renders applications using metadata stored in an Oracle database.
4GL Languages
Oracle Forms runs client-side PL/SQL. Application Express uses server-side PL/SQL.
User Interface
Oracle Forms is accessed using a web browser and its user interface is rendered using a JVM. Application Express is also invoked from a Web browser but its user interface is HTML and JavaScript.
Page Layout
Windows / Canvases
Page / Regions
Oracle Forms uses exact positioning and Application Express uses HTML-relative positioning.
Client-side Field Control
Form triggers
Javascript and AJAX
Oracle Forms provides robust field-level validation and event processing. Application Express supports declarative page-level validation and event processing. Programmatic field-level validation and event processing requires Javascript and AJAX.
Web Service Support
Both Oracle Forms and Application Express support the calling of Web Services, for example BPEL.
BI Beans
Flash Charts
Oracle Forms uses BI Beans as its integrated charting engine. Application Express uses Flash Charts as its integrated charting engine.
Pessimistic, Optimistic, Custom
Optimistic, Custom
Oracle Forms supports a range of locking models with pessimistic as the default. Due to its asynchronous architecture, Application Express uses an optimistic locking model.
Database Connections
Oracle Forms uses synchronous connections to allow transactions to span multiple screen interactions. Application Express does not transparently allow transactions to span page views. Application Express programmatically supports transactions spanning page views using collections.
Concurrent User Support
Database connectivity maintained by user session
Database connectivity only maintained for the processing of requests
Each connected user in Oracle Forms maintains a synchronous connection to the Oracle database. Application Express users are asynchronously connected to the Oracle database.
3 Tier
2 Tier
With Oracle Forms, Application logic is processed in the Oracle database, a mid-tier Forms Server, or in the rich client. With Application Express, PL/SQL application logic is processed within the Oracle database. Client-side logic is implemented using JavaScript. HTTP communications are facilitated using Apache and Mod/PLSQL.

Oracle Application Express Application Migration Workshop (Application Migrations) enables you to
 migrate a Microsoft Access application or convert an Oracle Forms application to an 
Oracle Application Express application.

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